Wednesday, 31 October 2012


What a festive week of ghost, ghouls, and gawky kids dressed up like the guy from the Gangnam Style music video. The story is no different here in Manchester.

Kids and adults alike went out in "fancy dress" (costumes) starting last weekend for parties and clubs and the spirit even made it to the swimming club, where we did an "evil" 300m freestyle (no use of the walls. Try really is evil) and swimming like zombies (on our backs, kicking, with arms at a 90 degree angle to the water. This is hard too...most of us had water up our noses).

Richard and I started our festivities last night with pumpkin carving and toasting our pumpkin seeds. Plans for tonight include making toffee (caramel) apples (a Lauren-Kelsey tradition for the last 6 years), homemade pumpkin chorizo soup from the extra pumpkin we picked up, Hobgoblin beer, and a good dose of a 1990's Disney classic: Hocus Pocus.

But the real spook came this morning. Richard had an early shift and was out the door before 6 this morning. When I got up and was getting ready, our internet went out. Strange, I thought, as I wandered into the kitchen to make a cup of tea. As I put the kettle on and got ready to make toast, I realized that the power in our house was out. Was this a mean Halloween prank? An unfortunate outage? Commiseration with the Frankenstorm victims? Just bad timing with my protector/boyfriend off to work?

Nope. Our pre-paid electricity had run out...worst invention ever. So panic over, I took our electricity stick to the store and topped up on electricity. I guess we should start listening to the strange beeping noise that comes from under our stairs (where Harry Potter lives, as Crisi says).

Happy Halloween!

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